
Carbolite Gero Leading Heat Technology

The brand CARBOLITE GERO is synonymous with high quality, leading heat technology in the design and manufacture of laboratory and industrial ovens and furnaces ranging from 30 °C to 3000 °C and sold globally to over 100 countries.

Founded in 1938, Carbolite began by pioneering in the manufacture of high-temperature combustion furnaces, marking a significant innovation in determining the sulphur content of fuels. The company experienced steady growth and was officially incorporated as a limited company in 1956. Despite a setback due to a fire in 1958, Carbolite demonstrated resilience by expanding its facilities and production capabilities, moving to larger premises and continually innovating its product range.

Carbolite’s journey through various ownerships by the Verder Group in 2012 marked a new chapter of strategic growth and expanded market reach. Just one year later the high temperature furnace company Gero was acquired to start the process of bringing Carbolite and Gero together in 2015.

On 1st January 2016 Carbolite (UK) and Gero (Germany) joined to become one company under the name of Carbolite Gero. With the combined product lines the company strengthened its market position locally and globally and extended its product portfolio.

Carbolite Gero has two manufacturing sites: One is based in Hope, Derbyshire, United Kingdom, where Carbolite manufactures laboratory and industrial ovens and furnaces up to 1800 °C. The temperatures of the ovens range from ambient to 700 °C; tube furnaces and chamber furnaces range from ambient to 1800 °C.

The second facility is located in Neuhausen, close to Stuttgart in southern Germany, where high temperature furnaces up to 3000 °C with a large variety of solutions for vacuum and modified atmospheres have been manufactured since 1982. Here we mainly manufacture furnaces which are heated and insulated with molybdenum, tungsten, and graphite.

In addition to the wide range of standard products, Carbolite Gero is an expert in the development of customized equipment for complex heat treatment processes. Solving customers’ individual application requirements has given Carbolite Gero an important place in aerospace, engineering, materials science, medical, bioscience and contract testing laboratories globally.

Carbolite Gero offers products that not only adhere to Standards-compliant designs for ovens and furnaces, such as those required for Nadcap heat treatment processes (AMS2750G), but also provides fully traceable certification for control, measurement, recording, and data acquisition devices. These certifications are issued by an independent laboratory accredited by UKAS.

Throughout its history, Carbolite Gero has been at the forefront of technological advancement, consultancy, and customer service. With ambitious growth objectives set for the future, Carbolite Gero continues to build on its legacy of innovation and excellence.

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100.000+ Inštalované produkty


85+ Roky skúseností


210+ Zamestnanci


90+ Celosvetoví partneri


CARBOLITE GERO je súčasťou spoločnosti VERDER SCIENTIFIC, ktorá je divíziou neustále rastúcej skupiny VERDER.

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  • Nadšenie Naša práca nás baví a robíme ju s úprimným záujmom, čo nás napĺňa a má vplyv na náš život.
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  • Detail Ideme k zdroju všetkého, aby sme sa uistili, že máme celý obraz a rozhodujeme sa na základe faktov.
  • Zodpovednosť Tým, že preberáme zodpovednosť, riešime problémy a tvrdo pracujeme na hľadaní najlepších riešení.
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