Rotačné pece sú ideálne pre fyzikálno chemické spracovanie. Pec s rotačným reaktorom TSO je ideálna pre použitie v laboratóriu. Pec je vyvinutá v spolupráci s Imperial College of Science & Technology v Londýne a umožňuje súčasne zahrievať a zmiešať vzorky v kontrolovanej atmosfére. Prietokomer kalibrovaný pre dusík je v štandarde, ale na požiadanie (v čase objednávky) môže byť pre rôzne plyny priobjednania jeden alebo viac prietokomerov. Väčšia rotačná pec TSR má tri vykurovacie zóny, nastaviteľný sklon a pracovné rúrku, ktorú možno ľahko vybrať a vymeniť. K dispozícii sú keramické alebo kovové pracovné trubky a obe rotačné pece TSO a TSR môžu byť dodávané s podávačmi a sadou pre možnosť inertného plynu.
In addition to the standard range of rotary furnaces, Carbolite Gero has extensive experience in the engineering of custom-made products on laboratory, pilot plant and industrial scale. A few of many examples are listed below. Feel free to contact us to discuss the requirements for your application!
Naše rotačné pece majú početné uplatnenie v oblasti výskumu, ako je veda o materiáloch a v geológii. Medzi špecifické aplikácie patria plynné redukcie rúd a analýza rúd a metalurgických trosiek. Všetky naše pece poskytujú vynikajúcu teplotnú uniformitu a rotačné nie sú výnimkou. Vysoko kvalitné výhrevné elementy s odporovými vodičmi používané v týchto modeloch zaisťujú rýchle vykurovanie a krátké doby chladenia.
A rotary tube furnace is suitable for the heat treatment of granular or particulate materials that continue to flow at high temperatures. Materials that need to be processed in either air or inert atmospheres are suitable. Materials that become sticky at high temperature are not suitable.
Rotary tube furnaces can be either a batch processing furnace (TSO) or a continuous processing furnace (TSR). The capacity of a batch is in the range 620 to 1740 ml, whereas the continuous furnace can process material up to the capacity of the feed of collection hopper e.g. 5 litre.
The continuous movement of the sample ensures that the entire surface area is exposed to the atmosphere during processing. This improves gas diffusion whilst reducing gas consumption, and increases heat treatment efficiency, when compared to a static process. With the TSR rotary tube furnace, the material is continuously passed through a hot furnace that is maintaining a consistent temperature profile, improving product homogeneity.
The time taken for material to pass through a rotary tube furnace is widely adjustable. In the TSR continuous rotary tube furnace, material flow rate can be controlled by both the rotation speed of the work tube and the angle of work tube inclination. Process time is also reduced because there is no need to wait for the furnace to heat up and cool down, unlike a batch process.
The atmospheres possible within the work tube or vessel of both the batch (TSO) and continuous (TSR) rotary tube furnaces are: air, inert gas such as nitrogen or argon, and reactive gas such as hydrogen (with appropriate safety equipment). Steam injection is also possible.