
Uniformita a ohrev

To design and build a furnace with outstanding temperature uniformity, time-consuming calculations and simulations are required. Carbolite Gero has accumulated decades of engineering experience creating exceptional heat treatment systems.

This experience is utilised in all of standard furnaces and ovens as well as custom modifications where temperature uniformity needs to be improved even further. Some important design principles to improve the uniformity are described below.

Znázornenie uniformné zóny vnútri komorovej pece

Znázornenie uniformné zóny vnútri komorovej pece

Znázornenie uniformné dĺžky vnútri rúrkovej pece

Znázornenie uniformné dĺžky vnútri rúrkovej pece


A closed retort is utilized to completely surround the sample specimen for operation under modified atmospheres and to improve the temperature uniformity. For example, the retort is constructed with a gas outlet for debinding applications.

Closed retort
Closed retort

Multi-zone design

Multi-zone tube furnaces can compensate the temperature drop towards the ends of a tube. Three and eight zone furnaces are available.

Graph of temperature distribution
Graph of temperature distribution

Intelligent design

For optimal temperature uniformity and distribution inside the furnace, a highly symmetric design is crucial. If a gas flow is required, the gas is preheated before flowing into the chamber.

A gas ventilation system with a sophisticated gas guiding design is provided for furnaces operating in the low temperature range.

Gas ventilation system
Gas ventilation system

Radiation shields & High-grade insulation

Metallic shields are utilized in the metallic furnaces to constantly reflect the heat inwards toward the sample specimen and provide insulation to the water cooled vessel. The vessel design, radiation shields, and heating elements must be highly symmetrical for optimal temperature uniformity.

The thermal conductivity of graphite felt and ceramic fibre insulation is very low making them excellent materials for furnace insulation. The thickness and quality of the insulation materials are carefully and specifically chosen per the maximum operating temperature of the furnace.

Radiation shields
Radiation shields
Radiation shields

Uniformita a ohrev - Examples

Štandardné spájkovacie a letovacie pec V-L 180-300 / 10 je vhodná pre generovanie najnižších dosiahnuteľných prevádzkových tlakov a najvyššie možné tepelnej uniformity v rovnakom čase
Štandardné spájkovacie a letovacie pec V-L 180-300 / 10 je vhodná pre generovanie najnižších dosiahnuteľných prevádzkových tlakov a najvyššie možné tepelnej uniformity v rovnakom čase


Na zákazku vyrobená trojzónová delená rúrková pec FZS 13/100/4500 s vykurovacou dĺžkou 4500 mm, automatický otvárací mechanizmus a pracovné rúrka APM
Na zákazku vyrobená trojzónová delená rúrková pec FZS 13/100/4500 s vykurovacou dĺžkou 4500 mm, automatický otvárací mechanizmus a pracovné rúrka APM


Na zákazku navrhnutá Priemyselná zvonová pec s multizónové teplotnou reguláciou
Na zákazku navrhnutá Priemyselná zvonová pec s multizónové teplotnou reguláciou


Vákuová komora pec HTK GR 80/22 automatická s voliteľným ohrevom vo dverách pre lepší uniformitu
Vákuová komora pec HTK GR 80/22 automatická s voliteľným ohrevom vo dverách pre lepší uniformitu


Výhrady k technickému riešeniu a nedostatkom