
AAF-BAL - Spaľovací pec

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The AAF-BAL thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) furnace incorporates an integral balance. It can be used for loss on ignition applications where weight change of the sample must be monitored during the heating process.

The AAF-BAL ashing furnace is fitted with an integral balance and can be used for loss on ignition (LOI) applications. Weight change of the sample is monitored during the heating process and this is required, for example, in the determination of organic matter content in materials such as sediment, sludge, soil and waste. Inorganic materials such as cement, lime, calcinated bauxite and refractories can also be tested.

Štandardná výbava

  • 3216cc controller with single ramp to setpoint and process timer
  • Ochrana vstavaných vykurovacích elementov pred oxidom alebo korozívna atmosférou vďaka použitiu kremíkových dlaždíc
  • Vykurovanie zo 2 strán
  • Balance runs independently of the furnace control system
  • Maximum capacity of balance is 3 kg with a resolution of 0.01 (other capacities available)

Produktové video: AAF-BAL - Spaľovací pec


  • Advanced version for EPC3008P10 to data-log both weight and temperature. It is also necessary to select the following options: EPC3008P10 instrument (which includes Ethernet communication). Data logging is done via iTools software which must be purchased separately 
  • Advanced version for nanodac to data-log both weight and temperature. It is also necessary to select the following options: nanodac instrument. Data logging is done in the nanodac and can be downloaded into the ‘Review Lite’ software which is included with the nanodac Data can be archived onto a USB flash drive.
  • Over-temperature protection (recommended to protect valuable contents and for unattended operation)

AAF-BAL - Spaľovací pec Technické údaje

AAF-BAL 11/17
Maximálna teplota (°C) 1100
Doba ohrevu (min) --
Maximálna trvalá prevádzková teplota (°C) 1000
Rozmery: vnútorné V x Š x H (mm) 215 x 196 x 400
Rozmery: vonkajšie
V x Š x H (mm)
705 x 505 x 675
Rozmery: Vonkajšie s otvorenými dverami V x Š x H (mm) 990 x 505 x 675
Rozmery: Výška do vrchu komína (mm) 990
Objem (litre) 17
Maximálny výkon (W) 7080
Pracovný výkon (W) 3500
Typ termočlánku K
Váha (kg) 70

Vezmite prosím na vedomie
- Pracovný výkon je meraný pri teplote 500°C
- Maximálny výkon a časy zahriatia založené na 240V napájaní
- Dimensions of control box (400 x 170 x 500 mm)

Výhrady k technickému riešeniu a nedostatkom